Fairfield Township

**** The Bulk Water Station is OPEN!!! Repairs are complete and ready for you. Thank you for your patience as we have been working to get parts and complete the repairs. ****

Attention Water & Sewer Usage Customers: The Township is now accepting credit/debit card payments.

Any past due amounts on your water or sewer account that is not paid in full by October 25, 2021 will be placed on your winter taxes. If you have any question, please call the utility clerk at 517-436-6400.

Utilities Clerk

Anita Craig
Office: 517-436-6400
Fax: 517-436-6399

Utilities Maintenance

Township Office  517-436-6400

What Not to Flush

Please check out the information What Not to Flush! . This is good information if you have your own septic system or if you are on a sewer system. You will be surprised by what is on the list!

Utilities - Connection Applications

Prior to starting any project, please call the Township Office

Sewer Connection Application
Water Connection Application

Water Reports