Fairfield Township

**** The Bulk Water Station is OPEN!!! Repairs are complete and ready for you. Thank you for your patience as we have been working to get parts and complete the repairs. ****

In compliance with the Lenawee County Smoke-Free Worksite Regulation, Fairfield Township shall be entirely smoke free, effective August 1, 2007.

Smoking is strictly prohibited within all Township work areas and public spaces including conference rooms, reception areas, restrooms, stairwells, hallways and work stations. This policy applies to all employees, clients, contractors and visitors.

Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed areas within this worksite without exception. This includes common work areas, auditoriums, conference and meeting rooms, private offices, hallways, employee lounges, restrooms, business vehicles (when occupied by 2 or more people) and all other enclosed facilities. Smoking is prohibited near entrances, windows and ventilation systems of all regulated worksites and public places.

Prominent signs communicating the policy will be posted at all entrances of the building.

Assistance to Smokers

Employees who smoke and would like to take this opportunity to quit may:

  • Participate in smoking cessation programs offered
  • Call the Michigan Tobacco Quitline at 1 -800-480-QUIT (7848)
  • For a list of smoking cessation resources, visit the Lenawee County Health Department website here. Printed copies are also available at the health department.


Persons observing a violation of this policy should bring it to the attention of their supervisor.


Supervisors receiving a complaint will investigate and take action to resolve the issue as soon as possible.


Persons found to have violated this policy will be subject to the disciplinary actions(s) in the same manner and magnitude as violations of other Township policies. The Lenawee County Health Department will enforce a smoke-free Worksite regulation. Any individual violating the regulation will first receive a warning. If non-compliance continues, the individual will be required to leave the premises or face the possibility of a $100 fine.