Fairfield Township

**** The Bulk Water Station is OPEN!!! Repairs are complete and ready for you. Thank you for your patience as we have been working to get parts and complete the repairs. ****

Miss Dig Information

Call 811 (Miss Dig) a few days prior to digging – even “small” projects like planting trees and shrubs.

Miss Dig – Dial 811

What do the Color of the Flags Mean?

Land Use/Division Applications

Prior to starting ANY project, please review the following Project Steps

  1. Complete a Zoning Compliance Permit Application (they are available at the Township Office) along with sketch and $35. Return to the Township Office (it can be placed in the drop box).
    • This is NOT necessary for the following:
      •  Re-roof
      • Replace gutters
      • Demolition
      • A Building Permit will need to be completed when you contact Kevin Arquette (517-673-0004), Township Building Inspector. He will direct you on your next step.
  2. The Township will process and turn over to our Zoning Enforcement Officer Tom Ayers (517-436-6400).
  3. Tom will make an on-site visit to check for compliance based on the sketch.
  4. Tom will either approve or NOT approve
  5. If approved:
    • The owner can contact the Building Inspector, Kevin Arquette (517-673-0004) to get further instructions. You will need to complete a Building Permit prior to contacting Kevin.
  6. If NOT approved:
    • The owner can file for a Zoning Variance ($150 fee) or a Rezoning. The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet and either approve or disapprove the variance.

Building Permits & Contact Information

Zoning Compliance Permit Application – Questions call 517-436-6400
Building Permit – Building Inspector Kevin Arquette – 517-673-0004
Building Permit Fees
Electrical Permit – Bill Patteuw – 517-902-4205
Mechanical Permit – Don Olszewski – 419-466-7238
Plumbing Permit – Don Olszewski – 419-466-7238

Zoning Inspector – Tom Ayers – 517-436-6400

Water Connection – Anita Craig – 517-436-6400

Sewer Connection -Lenawee County Drain – 517-264-4696

Burning Information