Fairfield Township

**** The Bulk Water Station is OPEN!!! Repairs are complete and ready for you. Thank you for your patience as we have been working to get parts and complete the repairs. ****

General Election November 5

In person voting will be held on November 5 from 7:00 am – 8:00 pm at the Township Fire Station in Weston. Early Voting for Fairfield Township will be held at the Township Office from 8am – 4pm every day starting Saturday, Oct 26 through Sunday, Nov 3. Please call 436-6400 if you have any […]

Township Clean Up Day – September 14

We can NOT accept anything with Freon, tires, tar, hazardous waste, contaminated waste, compressed content tanks, railroad ties, dirt, concrete, grass, leaves, garden debris, shrubbery. All heavy or large items must be in a size that can be handled by one person. We are accepting metal  

Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast and Parade – Monday, May 27

We are excited to announce that the Township Fire Department will be having the pancake breakfast this year. The breakfast will be from 7am-11am. Bicycle judging contest will be at 8:30 in front of the station. The parade will start at 9am. We hope you will join us!  

Nationwide Emergency Alert Test – October 4

Nationwide Emergency Alert test happening Oct. 4 The Federal Emergency Management Agency is conducting a nationwide test of the Emergency Broadcast System to ensure its effectiveness in delivering crucial alerts to the public. The test will alert cell phones, TVs and radios across the country on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 2:20 p.m. EST. The message will read […]

Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant flushing will begin watermain and Fire Hydrant Flushing on September 28 and should be completed by October 28. Please make sure you use caution when washing light colors and whites.

Tax Information

Taxes may be dropped off any time in the drop box outside the Township office door. If you would like a receipt, provide a self-addressed stamped envelope along with the entire bill and the bottom half marked paid will be returned to you. If you would like, you can provide your email address and a […]